D&AD / DUOLINGO : Targeting a young audience.

VO: Summer’s over. And you’re back at uni.
But let’s be honest, your mind’s still elsewhere.
You’re thinking about that holiday romance – and what could have been…
Lucky for you, Duolingo DUOS has your back.
Now you can work on your language game as you work on your dating game – with young single people from around the world.
It works just like the other apps you love. Except for one big difference: you’ll only match with people who speak the language you’re learning and want to learn yours in return.
Apart from that, it’s just match, chat. And then keep on matching.
When things get tricky, you can always turn to Duolingo.
Or if it’s all good, we’ll just leave you alone to do your thing.
Then, when you start to get more serious, you can take it to the next level with videochat.
Plus a few extra features to help you make the jump.
And it wouldn’t be Duolingo if this wasn’t all fun and rewarding. Watch your skill level progress as you date. And pick up bonuses along the way.
To get the word out about Duolingo DUOS, we’ll launch a campaign that meets our audience wherever they spend their time.
All to get more young people using the app. And show the power of languages to open up the world around them.
After all, you never know where it might take you.
Ooh là là.

CW : Jamie Warburton, Jules Sacchi and Zuzanna Kalukin. AD : Quentin Lemaire and Jamie Warburton.